Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Update on my Grandma.

Hey everyone!  

Sorry it's been so long.  We've been swamped here.  Got 2 new goats from the Chief of Police from the town I work at, so now up to 12 goats, 7 girls, 4 newborn boys, and 1 breeding buck.

Just finished making jams and jellies, and the wife is finishing up on goat's milk soap, goat's milk lotion, bath salts, fizzy bath bombs, and we need to finish one more quilt as a gift.

Our new Pyrenees mix and Sam our Pyrenees went missing 10 days ago.  C'est la vie, as my grandma would say.  We miss them and hope they come back, and if someone stole them, I hope they get constant painful hemorrhoids and gaping chest wounds.

After 3 months and 3 days, I got to hear my grandmother's voice again.  It seems that she raised such a ruckus that she got sent home from the "undisclosed location."  My mom's sis ran into a mutual friend of my dad's a few weeks ago and she said that the friend knew my grandma was alive, but she was not allowed to say where she was.  But my evil aunt and eviler stepmother are at her house with her 24/7 with 2 nurses.  My grandma made it very clear that she is going to die at her house and to hell with going into a nursing home.  She has some sort of disease that is deteriorating random muscles in her body and this started with her throat muscles.

I say good for her.  94 years is a good run, and if she is ready to go, then she's earned the right to pick where she goes.  Her husband built that house for her 40 years ago and I am so proud that she held her ground when her sons want to dump her in a nursing home and take all of her money and run.

From what she said, she was upset that no one contacted me in 3 months, and that she has had several surgeries and was on the brink for a while.

I would say that keep her in your prayers for a recovery, but I ask that you keep her in your prayers that she can have a moment of peace in her life before she goes...

On to Wyoming next week to hunt some wabbits and spend Christmas with my sister-in-law and the little hellions that I am corrupting into screaming "GEAUX TIGERS" whenever they see football on.